Atlantic Bluet (Enallagma doubledayi)

Identification: A so called blue type bluet, the Atltantic Bluet is very similar to the Familiar Bluet (Enallagma civile). The major difference between the two observable in the field, with close focusing binoclurs or in the hand, are the much reduced cerci in the males.

The three (3) images below are of a male from Southampton County, Virginia in mid-June

copyright Allen Bryan 2009, Atlantic Bluet

copyright Allen Bryan 2009, Atlantic Bluet
copyright Allen Bryan 2009, Atlantic Bluet


copyright Allen Bryan 2009; Atlantic Bluet

Male- Carteret County, North Carolina

copyright Allen Bryan 2009; Atlantic Bluet female

Female- Carteret County, North Carolina

copyright Allen Bryan 2009; Atltantic Bluet female 2009

Female- Carteret County, North Carolina